Photo Gallery 1997

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At the presentation of the Eli Lilly National Cancer Institute of Canada William E. Rawls Prize to Mitsu (January 1997).

JR and Jim visiting the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen.  While at the Calcium-Binding Protein Symposium in Lund, Sweden, Jim was honoured with a 'chocolate Nobel Prize for Literature', for having the most spelling mistakes on a poster (June 1997).

Outside Ponta, a tonkatsu restaurant in Ueno, Tokyo, June 1997.   From left: Alex Michie, Mitsu Ikura, Masatsune Kainosho, Christine Orengo, John Markley, Yuko and Mark Swindells, Yoji Arata.

At the company barbeque (Mitsu's backyard, September 1997).

JR is second from right.  October 1997.

Taken in the 7th floor atrium, October 1997.

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